What are the effects of web hosting on SEO? The most basic answer is that without a website, no one will know your business exists! This is true for almost every type of business, not just web hosting. When you own your business website, you have to make it search-engine-optimized, or your business will effectively vanish from the face of the internet! The good news is that if you hire professionals for web hosting and web design, you can get your business right where you need it: on top of the search engines!
The way that web hosting affects the SEO is relatively straightforward. If your site is not correctly set up and optimized, your site won’t be indexed no matter how many web servers you use. This is why many web admins still think that having their sites hosted on their servers does not affect their SEO. It very well does, but only to a point.
It all begins with the major search engines by seo agencies. When people search for something, they want to know if reputable companies offer what they’re looking for. The major search engines, such as Google, want to ensure that your site is easy to find. If you don’t have web pages indexed by these search engines, anyone will never see you. It is truly the golden egg of SEO.
The search engines cannot possibly have your webspace hosting because it’s not a part of their indexes when you have your web space hosted. However, when you outsource web hosting, you do not only get a better hosting service for your site, but you also get an entire network of servers that will be able to help your site get found by anyone, anywhere. Even if you don’t own the web hosting you use, you can host your place on one of the many affordable, high-quality web hosts around. As long as your site meets the criteria of what people are searching for, you will promote your business through all means available successfully.
While it is true that most search engines will not provide rankings for anything other than reasonably obvious keywords, this is not always true. You might have a great keyword phrase that no one searches for, but if no one is searching for that phrase, it won’t show up in the search engines results. This is why having an affordable web host is so essential for SEO.
You see, each page on your site has to go through various protocols before it can show up in the search results. If your site is not hosted on one of the qualities, highly rated web hosts, then it will not show up at all until someone uses your site’s URL. This can cause frustration for both you and your customers. Your potential clients will be frustrated because they cannot trust your site and your web hosting provider, and your customers will be frustrated because they cannot access your site.

Even if you manage to get your site listed in the search engines, this won’t guarantee success. The search engines use spiders called “spiders” to crawl the entire internet looking for new sites. They can’t identify your website or even know what it is if it isn’t listed. So even if you manage to get indexed by the search engines, your competitors could still find you. And your SEO efforts are likely to be underwhelming.
The bottom line is that there is no way to figure out how does web hosting affect SEO. What SEO can do for you, though, is to help you stay above the competition. It will give you more exposure, which can only help you sell more products or services. Remember, the more direction that you have; the more people will want to purchase from you. However, how does web hosting affect SEO is dependent upon your efforts?